Aspirational Values

- Ensuring that each job description/role has racial equity-related accountability and goals that integrate racial equity actions and aligned strategy into team project/action plans and role related performance review processes;
- Power shifting, i.e., sharing inclusive leadership practices(1) around how racial equity is part of everyone’s roles by centering the lived experiences of BIPOC staff, but not leaving it to these individuals to do or champion racial equity work; and
- Provide ongoing professional development and training for all staff related to implicit bias, cultural humility and other equity and anti-racist practices. Ensure that training is accessible to all staff including online access for both new and existing staff.
Within our dept HSH when we start looking at building policies or reworking policies, we start with the people on the ground – there voice, part of creating the policy and decision making – that type of power should be shared – HSH Staff
- Identifying the practices that department/teams will adopt to transparently address power dynamics in their relationships and decision-making processes, and
- Creating a structure that can hold the accountability to racial equity goals.
Equity doesn’t mean equal. This means training, conversation, being transparent all the time and slowing down – HSH Staff
- Engaging BIPOC community leaders as equity advisors to inform HSH priorities.
- Addressing intersectionality by understanding what is happening in communities related to the racial, ethinic and cultural makeup of the service areas, and individuals experiencing homelessness;
- Engaging individuals with lived experience at the start of program and policy design and ensuring they are in leadership and decision-making positions throughout the process; and
- Identify dedicated resources that include dedicated staff roles and compensation for participants to adequately support ongoing practice of collaborating with people with lived experience
- Housing Equity Framework
- Equity Based Decision Making Framework — National Innovation Service
- Nothing about us without us: Seven Principles for leadership & inclusion of people with lived experience of homelessness
- Ladder of Participation
- When Addressing Anti-Racism – Not Just What, But How: Introducing Theory of Being
- Becoming an Anti-Racist Organization: An Anti-Racist Model for Organizational Change
(1) Proinspire. “Crises as a Catalyst: A Call for Race Equity & Inclusive Leadership”. Accessed March 31, 2021.