HSH will present at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee on a proposed resolution to accept and expend grant funds from the San Francisco Housing Authority for support services for households using Emergency Housing Vouchers.
BOS Committee Hearing: 20 Units for TAY Housing in Haight-Ashbury
HSH will attend the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee hearing to discuss a proposed ordinance that would require the Department to stand up 20 new units of housing for young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood.
BOS Committee Hearing: Non-Profit Wages and Recruitment
HSH and DPH will present at a hearing at the Budget and Appropriations Committee on non-profit workers’ wages and the ability for City-funded homeless and mental health service providers to recruit and maintain qualified and adequate staffing levels.
BOS Committee Hearing: Implementation of CART
HSH will attend a hearing at the Budget and Appropriations Committee about the implementation of the proposed Compassionate Alternative Response Team.
BOS Committee Hearing: Shelter Expansion Program Ordinance
HSH will attend a hearing at the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee about a proposed ordinance to expand shelters in San Francisco.