There are different ways for adults, families with minor children, young adults ages 18 to 27, and unaccompanied minors to access shelter. Scroll for more information.
Adult Shelter
Adults seeking shelter have several options. Visit the adult shelter page to learn more.
- Call the San Francisco Homeless Outreach Team (SFHOT) to request outreach and connection to available resources at: (628) 652-8000.
- Sign up for the adult shelter reservation waitlist for a bed at three of HSH’s sites.
- Get shelter through other self-referrals.
Family Shelter
Families can:
- Contact a Family Coordinated Entry Access Point.
- Request emergency placements at programs specific to families. Visit the family shelter page to learn more.
Young Adult (18 – 27) Shelter
Young adults (18-27) can:
- Contact a Youth Coordinated Entry Access Point.
- Use the adult shelter reservation system or self-refer to sites in the adult system.
- Call the young adult temporary hotel voucher program hotline.
Shelter for Unaccompanied Minors
Unaccompanied minors under 18 can contact Huckleberry House or Diamond Youth Shelter to access shelter and other resources.