2017 Continuum of Care Funding Announcement
HUD Announced a record $2 Billion in CoC funding this year.
San Francisco has received a total preliminary award in the amount of $41,476,960, including the Planning Grant, and has increased its overall Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) by $9,045,961.
56 total projects have been funded (53 renewal, 3 new). A breakdown of the projects awarded include:
- 47 Permanent Supportive Housing projects
- 4 Rapid Re-Housing projects
- Transitional Housing project
- HMIS projects; and
- Coordinated Entry project
2017 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition: Funding Availablity
HUD released its Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) on July 14th. Though labor intensive, it is a process where our community comes together and excels. It offers the unique opportunity for our CoC Community to showcase our best practices, highlight our community priorities, and further help people experiencing homelessness in our community. The NOFA is now available on the HUD website.
San Francisco Continuum of Care Competition Bidders Conference:
Topic: San Francisco Continuum of Care funds. All new project applicants for Continuum of Care permanent housing grants and renewal Supportive Housing Program (SHP) and Shelter + Care (S+C) applicants are strongly encouraged to attend.
- Monday, July 31, 2017
- 11am-2pm
- Koret Auditorium
San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street SF CA 94102
Technical Assistance Handbook
Local Materials Packets
2017 Cultural Competency Narrative
2017 Disability Access Checklist (for new projects)
Project Narrative
The LHCB engaged in a rank and review process for all applicants. Following the appeal’s panel, the LHCB completed the FY2017 CoC Ranked List.
CoC Consolidated Application Posting
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition Application is a one-year grant application submitted by the San Francisco CoC to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Below, please find the posting of all parts of the Complete FY 2017 CoC Consolidated Application, including the Priority Listing with all project applications accepted and ranked or rejected and all attachments that will be submitted to HUD.
CA501 CoC Consolidated Application
CA501 Priority Listing