HSH will request authorization from the Board to apply for HUD funding in the annual Continuum of Care competition.
Coordinated Entry Evaluation Report Town Hall
Please join us for one of our three Town Halls where you can learn more about the evaluation findings and give input into system redesign. We invite and encourage you to read the report which can be found on our website.
We invite and encourage you to read the report which can be found HERE.
Shelter Grievance Advisory Committee Meeting
Please review the attached documents before the meeting.
- Attachments include:
- Draft Agenda | SGAC Agenda 7.12.22 draft
- Draft Minutes – March 8, 2022 | DRAFT SGAC Minutes 3-8-22
- 15-Month Denial of Services, Internal Hearings and Arbitrations Report | 2022.06 Temporary Shelter Grievance Process Dashboard
- SCAG SCA Report – June 2022 – Client Advocate Report | SGAC SCA Report – June 2022
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Jennings Safe Sleep Site Community Meeting
Please join HSH and United Council of Human Services for a community meeting about the proposed extension of the Jennings Safe Sleep Site. Spanish and Chinese language services will be available.
BOS Committee Hearing: Non-Profit Wages and Recruitment
HSH and DPH will present at a hearing at the Budget and Appropriations Committee on non-profit workers’ wages and the ability for City-funded homeless and mental health service providers to recruit and maintain qualified and adequate staffing levels.